Optimized oxidoreductases for medium and large scale industrial biotransformations
Project Secretariat
Dr Marta Pérez-Boada
E-mail: MPBoada@cib.csic.es
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Biological Research Centre (CIB)
Calle Ramiro de Maeztu 9, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Phone: 34 918373112
Fax: 34 915360432
Mobile: 34 650080476
Private area


about us
cheminovaCheminova A/S, Lemvig, Denmark (Cheminova)

I. Winckelmann
Contact information
I. Winckelmann, Cheminova A/S,
PO Box 9, DK-7620 Lemvig, Denmark;

Phone: +45 96909690;
Fax: +45 96909691;
E-mail: ib.winckelmann@cheminova.com

Description of the group
Cheminova has 75 years’ experience in development and manufacturing of organic chemicals, mainly for use in the agrochemical business. Cheminova's business area is an integrated part of the world's food supply, with a focus on sustainable development and growth. Through control of plant diseases, pests and weeds, our plant protection products contribute to increasing and improving the yield of the agricultural crops. Cheminova is owned by Auriga Industries A/S and is the place of employment for approximately 2100 employees. The main shareholder is Aarhus University Research Foundation.

Ib Winckelmann, Manager, Synthesis Development, will lead the participation in INDOX. Besides him, the main contribution will come from three Departments:
i) Synthesis Development Department, employing 26 people expert in organic synthesis as well as the practical laboratory use of this in developing new processes as well as improving existing ones;
ii) Pilot Plant and Process Development Department, employing 10 people expert in scale-up of laboratory processes to technical production scale as well as implementation of these processes in Cheminova production plants; and
iii) Analytical Development Department employing 22 people expert in developing analytical methods for quantification products and intermediates as well as supporting the two aforementioned departments in their work.

Main role in INDOX
Cheminova will contribute with its expertise in optimization of organic chemical reactions with respect to raw material economy, environmental and safety factors as well as production cost. This will primarily be done in laboratory studies but also tested in pilot scale when relevant. Main focus will be on intermediates used for production of agrochemicals but biocatalytic synthesis of other commercially interesting compounds will be attempted as well. Further, the biocatalysis processes developed during INDOX will be evaluated for their commercial viability against traditional chemical production methods.
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Project Coordinator
Prof. Angel T. Martínez
Biological Research Centre (CIB, CSIC)
Calle Ramiro de Maeztu 9, E-28040 Madrid, Spain.
E-mail: ATMartinez@cib.csic.es
Phone: 34 918373112
Fax: 34 915360432

Angel T. Martínez is Research Professor of CSIC at the group of Biotechnology for Lignocellulosic Biomass of CIB. He is member of ACS, ASM and TAPPI, with around 250 publications mainly related to oxidoreductases and microbial biotechnology.

His experience is supported by participation in more than 55 national and international research projects, in most of them as head researcher. Regarding EC Framework Programmes, he has coordinated projects of Industrial Biotechnology from FP3 to FP7, such as PEROXICATS (KBBE-2010-4-265397), BIORENEW (NMP2-CT-2006-026456), PELAS (QLK3-1999-00590), PITCH (QLK5-1999-01357) and AIR2 (CT93-1219).
Official webpage of indox [ industrialoxidoreductases ]. Optimized oxidoreductases for medium and large scale industrial biotransformations. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement nº: FP7-KBBE-2013-7-613549. © indox 2013. Developed by garcíarincón